Monday, October 10, 2011

Ten signs you can tell that you're dating Disappointment...

The prompt for this blog is that I went to a job interview that sucked. I mean, sucked like a hoover. Seriously, they told me that the pay is based on "selling sessions" and those are $15 an hour. The session is an hour. Haha, funny guys.
 So, Disappointment is kind of like that guy at work/school/your favorite bar that's halfway good-looking and he keeps stalking you and telling everyone that you're going out. And he keeps it up until you finally give in and just say Yes to shut him up. begin:

1. Every horribly embarrassing relationship ending cliche has happened to you...not someone you know...You. (EX: Your fiance is gay and dating his room-mate, The hot ass asian you've been dating turns to you post coitus and says something that involves the words "marriage" "greencard" and "I give you $10,000...I love you." / Calls you like a cocker spaniel and then spills his beer on you)
2. You have only a PS2 to keep you company.
3.You live in a shed
4.Your wisdom teeth have staged a revolt
5. You always pick the wrong week to quit smoking
6. You don't have a gay JRock band to play spin the bottle for skittles
7.You have a gay nephew that you are expressly forbidden from teasing with a be-dazzler
8. Everywhere you go you see hot people with ugly lovers...seriously wtf?
9. All jobs are apparently commission based and you have to pay the company a minimum of $500 to work there. No.
10. You found a wrinkle..and not one that's permanently ingrained into your face from making a facial expression that indicates you think less of the person talking to you's intelligence....less than a clam. No, one that signifies you are getting old.

But don't let this get you down, there are many things that will help you dump Disappointment or at least stop him in his tracks! They include puppies that always wag their tails when you get home and friends that will always answer your call and commiserate about how, they too, are being stalked by Disappointment. We'll just call him Greg for now.

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