Monday, October 10, 2011

General Ponderings

Hello again!

My goodness it's been a while since I've posted here. Jackie and I have had a hard enough time keeping up with life itself let alone our myspace pages.

Well, I have been looking for a job recently and have come across some issues with the current method of applying for one.

1.  It's all online.

Yep. It sucks, and if you even go into a crapshoot of a job like say, a certaing retail chain in the mall. There is no paper application or manager on staff to talk to you, they simply state that you should go to their website ( and don't give you the frikkin domain) and apply on there. 

2. Resumes are obsolete.

No one wants them, so don't even bother.

3. The more education and experience you have, the less likely it is that you will get a job.
All companies want teenagers that have no clue that the big boss man is not going to raise their pay as min. wage increases. You get someone with a college education and they're going to know that they're getting screwed...that and they cost more.

4. The idea of a company environment resebling a family.
No one believes the P.R. so just quit faking it. It's a job people! Not your family! Also, how many of us have screwed up families? That's what I thought, no one wants to work with their uncle that gives kamikaze noogie attacks.

5. Higene

I thought it was a requirement.

6. A fast food joint tells you you're overqualified.

They check your citezenship status, who knew!?

7. Being told what to do and how to do it.
Kiss it.

So, that is all for now. I hope that we will start selling products before I have to edit my resume to the point where it says that I graduated High School and that's it (I'm two lines from that now). I have gotten call backs, but they all endevor for me to give the company money so that I can be certified in what they want me to thank you.
You pay me, I do work. Not I pay you, I work too.

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