As most of the student population of any college knows, there is always that class that falls under the category of a yo-yo class. To provide a definition, the class is first hard, then easy, then hard... I will let you finish the rest of that thought.
I have that class right now, to be exact it was once upon a time calles Liberal Arts Math, now in the name of change and improvement it has been christened Introduction To Mathematical Art and Caluclation.
Sounds hard right? It is. I have officially conceded to the fact that math for artists is harder than algebra...not statistics, no, not by a long shot!
But it is harder than your average class because of the yo-yo effect.
We began Truth Tables today, a formula concieved by Aristotle and perpetuated by those that he tricked into thinking that this was a viable form of calculations. Any idiot can tell you that it is not monday and that the dog is not a hampster. The dog is NEVER a hampster, and no little graph full of Fs and Ts will convince me otherwise. It makes me want to buy the genious who invented this a beer with a micky in it. :p
But enough of my rant, it's time for free books to asuage my anger...for now.
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