Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bands Worth Driving to Atlanta For, and Others....Not So Much.

As those people who are close to me know, I, as well as my loyal whipping boy Rufus, have a distinct hatred of a certain city.

In fact, it is a hatred that is so deeply ingrained into me that my entire psyche revolts from the typical path of “just let it go and breathe” method and hyper drives into full out bitch mode.
  Yes, Atlanta. The shining city of the south that spews cultural love and brotherhood and hosts alternative death metal bands across the street from the heartwarmingly saccharine Museum of Puppetry.  That city. The city whose glistening sky scrapers hide the ugly truth of braided, interweaving traffic where the drivers feel no need to actually look at the road as they peruse the fluctuating 15 lanes at the reasonable speed of 90mph.

   The city that hosts “Valet Parking Only” when your car is about 20 years older than the idiot who is trying to crank it up for your so called convenience. Especially when you specifically told him not to touch the fucking 1979 Diesel who has glow plugs. But no, he had to try to crank it like any old Honda and did a really good job of almost flooding the engine as you scream at him to get out of your car and that you’ll have his nut sack on a plate if he doesn’t stop.
   Ahem….pardon my French.  

All of this aside, the concert at Center Stage was beyond Epic!
Dir en Grey rules. Enough said.

So, to begin. There are certain bands Myself and Jackie will go through Hell and back to see…and…there are certain bands whom I won’t pull any member out of the way of a passing freight train and certain death. In fact, I might facilitate an “early” demise.

There are many, but I shall limit this list to 10 each.

The Ones That ARE Worth It:

1. Dir en Grey (again)

2. The Gazette

3. Red Hot Chili Peppers

4. Gackt

 5. Depeche Mode (again)

                                                                                                          6. Nickleback (again)

7. 30 Seconds to Mars

8.  Miyavi (again)

9. Chevelle

And last, but certainly not least!
10. Kirito

 No way in Hell!!!1111!

1. The Pillows (or anything a boy named Adrian likes)

2. Violent Soho

                                                                         3. Shonen Knife

 4. Gwar (no offense, and R.I.P.)

5. Kamelot

6. Steely Dan (go ahead Melon, rip us)

 7. John Mayer

8. Half of the artists on the Twilight soundtracks.

9. This Bitch (Bjork)

10. Allanis Morriset.

And to crank it to 11.…

The Birthday Massacre....yeah.

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