By the by, Hello Russia. Have some vodka for me!
So, as an explanation for this story, I was perusing some of the people attending the upcoming Dir en Grey concert at the venue Jackie and myself will be attending. And in doing so, I made a little discovery. Most of the people attending the concert we are going to are...going to all of the concerts. Which is nice and all, don't get me wrong, but if I were a member of the band I might be a little bit nervous about who I was inviting backstage afterward. Perhaps a particular Playboy Bunny for instance, or the nice bassist from a certain band of gingers. *shudder*
In this frivolous pursuit of my fellow Diruphiles I realized that there is one simple way of determining what kind of person someone actually is. It has very little to do with their demeanor, or their hairstyle (or lack thereof) and can be summed up in one little sentence.
Facebook Interests and profile pictures.
Yes my friends! That is all! Because the nice lady at your mentally handicapped child's center seems all PG until you look her up on the world wide web and discover her love of BSDM and the picture of her balancing a beer bottle on her head while shoving a slice of pizza into her mouth, all while garbed in pirate gear.
Most of you will be shaking your head while muttering, "Duh." However, I am very new to this whole technology craze and still find that the shiny center of a 4X6 floppy disc to be the most space age contraption I have seen in a while.
Now, this could spawn a whole tirade about how technology is making the youth of today stupid and all, but we will disregard that. Youth is always stupid, no matter what century.
So, the moral of the story is thus, the next time you meet that really hot guy on the sidewalk, or wherever; make sure to look him up on Facebook or Google his ass to make sure he doesn't really view himself as this:
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